Did you know?
An instrument is an instrument that connects you to the music. The instrument does not begin with the body of the instrument, but with YOU, who makes it sound. The impulse comes from you and is transformed into music by passing through your instrument. The instrument is therefore an alchemical instrument that expresses the potential and power within you in sounds and melodies, in other words, in artistic, qualitative form.
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What is the process like?
The gift of wind instruments is that they make audible and conscious the eternal cycle that gives you life here on earth: the in-breath and the out-breath...the "soul" breath.
Every sound and melody you emit is alive, heard and experienced in space for as long as you can operate it.
You let the outside world into you through the invisible air, then let it out, let it go, let it back in, let it back into the world again, now imbued with your inner being, in an audible quality.
You can register for individual and group lessons by clicking on the logo below.
Why a wind instrument?
Wind instruments connect with you most visually: you take them into your body through your mouth, you take them into yourself.
you connect the instrument: in this way your instrument becomes your extension and you become its extension, i.e. you become an instrument, a "ser" that expresses itself in the world in the form of timeless sounds.
You can register for individual and group lessons by clicking on the logo below.
A power instrument instead of a power animal?
Finding out which instrument is the voice that best represents you and connects you to your inner resources is a special experience. Do you want to try it when a didgeridoo comes alongside you?