

Egyedi zenei hangulat kiállításmegnyitókra

Szívesen vállalok fellépéseket különleges hangszereken: klarinétokon, szaxofonokon, handpanen, hulusin, syotankán, valamint furulyákon. Különleges zenei élményért keress bizalommal!


I have been a guest in several symphony orchestras for decades or occasionally for one or two musical projects:

Gödöllő Symphony Orchestra

Danubia Orchestra

Bayerische Philharmonie

Hungarian Sinfonietta ( Moscow City Ballet ) - organised by Armel

Danube Symphony Orchestra

Budapest Primarius Symphony Orchestra

I have been involved in various "touring" bands, with which I have had the opportunity to play in England, France, Germany, Rome, Beijing, Florida for weeks or months at a time.

Conductors I have worked with: Igor Shavruk, Horváth Gábor, Zoltán Kocsis, Mark Mast, Ádám Medvecky, Tamás Vásáry, Zoltán Rácz ( UMZE ), Máté Hámori, Ilona Dobszay - Meskó, Lajos Rozmán ( Quaartsiluni Ensemble, Metrum Ensemble ), László Kovács, András Ligeti, Tamás Gál, Gergely Dubóczky, Dávid Dinya, and many others.


Korábbi zenekaraim:  Faery Music, és a Parallel Lifeforms, Fénykör Zenekar, Xanadu, Czipott Géza Zenekar, Danics Dóra Zenekar.

Jelenleg tagja vagyok a Gaiatree együtteseknek.


Under the guidance of choreographer and dance teacher Zoltán Grecsó, I take part in the Wednesday improvisation performances of the Willany Leó Improvisation Dance Theatre in the studio of the Trafó House of Contemporary Arts.

He is regularly invited to play as a guest artist at the openings of the Society of Hungarian Painters' art exhibitions.

Gauranga Das - yoga teacher and shaman I am a member of the improvisational music ensemble at the Transbreath Live Jam ceremonies.


If you are looking for a session musician for your music project, exhibition opening or just want to collaborate, contact me via the form below.
